Post 1: A country I would like to visit.


Certain kinds of music can make you “travel” to another place, even if you are not there. That's what happens when you listen to Los Jaivas´ “Las Alturas de Macchu Picchu”. The music is so well composed, that it brings the atmosphere of this sacred and mystic Inca settlement to your mind. But it's a whole different experience when you hear it in the same place that inspired it. When you visit Machu Picchu, you finally understand what this place meant to the Incas, and realize how the words written by Pablo Neruda perfectly describe the place.

I have been there once, it was an unforgettable experience, that's why I want to go back to Perú and stay for a month, visit cities like Lima, stay longer in Cuzco to learn more about the Incas and their history, spend a whole day in Machu Picchu and climb the Huayna Picchu, because I couldn't do it when I went two years ago.  But most of all, I want to listen to Los Jaivas´ “Alturas de Machu Picchu” in this mystical place again.


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