Post 5: My future Job.

 I really don´t know what kind of job I would like to have. The only thing I know, is that I am studying Cinema, because I made the choice with the purpose of seeing movies from a different perspective. I love movies and TV shows, so I always wanted to know what´s happening behind the camera. But now, I also want to see the world from a different point of view and for that, I would like to travel a lot and discover different cultures.

I would prefer to work outdoors, because you can find so many unexpected things out there (I really know that, because I am from Valparaíso, so a lot of unexpected and weird things have happened to me on the streets). These experiences can challenge your own creativity.

When I finish this college career, I want to continue studying, get a degree in Esthetics, because I have been interested in the connection between art and philosophy since I was in school, and I want to learn more about it.


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