Post 7: Changes to my Study Program.

 I think that the main problem with my career now, has to do with the online classes system utilized to deal with the pandemic. Honestly, this isn´t the most effective way to learn, because we have some theoretical subjects that can be done with this system, but the ones who are more practical, such as “Sound”, “Direction of Photography”,  “Fiction Workshop”, need to have on-site classes. Because, we need to learn how to use the equipment, and teamwork is something essential in this kind of career, that needs to be put into practice.

There are some things from the curriculum of the career, that in my opinion, need to change. For example I think that we need to have “Script” during more semesters, because we only have this subject for two semesters (one in the second year and the other in the third year).

I also think that there’s a problem with the number of credits destinated to each subject, because they are not accurate, for example, in the year where I am, the second year, “Fiction Workshop”, is supposed to be the most important subject of the year, and it really is, because, is the subject where you put into practice everything you learned in the other subjects, but in terms of time, sometimes subjects that only have three credits, take more of your time than this one.


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