Post 8: English Language Challenges.

 This subject and the use of the blog helped me to get back on track with writing and speaking in English, because these last two years I haven´t used those language skills that much. But in terms of listening and reading, I am always using that abilities, because there isn´t a day in which I don´t listen to music (most of the lyrics of the bands I listen to are in English), and I watch a lot of movies in English, and the ones that are neither in Spanish or English, I watch them with English subtitles. I also like to read comics and books in English sometimes, and if there is a word I haven´t heard before, I look it up in the dictionary and add a new word to my vocabulary. 

I always do that, watch movies in their original language, because a different language is a different way of thinking and seeing things, and that´s the reason why I am interested in learning other languages such as French, Italian and Russian. It´s a difficult task, but I want to learn how to speak those languages by the day I die.

I need to expand my vocabulary, because I am always using the same words, and there might be other words that fit better to what I want to express. To improve my English I think that I have to keep on doing what I do, because I have learned most of the words I know by watching movies in English.


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