
Post 8: English Language Challenges.

  This subject and the use of the blog helped me to get back on track with writing and speaking in English, because these last two years I haven´t used those language skills that much. But in terms of listening and reading, I am always using that abilities, because there isn´t a day in which I don´t listen to music (most of the lyrics of the bands I listen to are in English), and I watch a lot of movies in English, and the ones that are neither in Spanish or English, I watch them with English subtitles. I also like to read comics and books in English sometimes, and if there is a word I haven´t heard before, I look it up in the dictionary and add a new word to my vocabulary.  I always do that, watch movies in their original language, because a different language is a different way of thinking and seeing things, and that´s the reason why I am interested in learning other languages such as French, Italian and Russian. It´s a difficult task, but I want to learn how to speak those ...

Post 7: Changes to my Study Program.

  I think that the main problem with my career now, has to do with the online classes system utilized t o deal with the pandemic. Honestly, this isn´t the most effective way to learn, because we have some theoretical subjects that can be done with this system, but the ones who are more practical, such as “Sound”, “Direction of Photography”,  “Fiction Workshop”, need to have on-site classes. Because, we need to learn how to use the equipment, and teamwork is something essential in this kind of career, that needs to be put into practice. There are some things from the curriculum of the career, that in my opinion, need to change. For example I think that we need to have “Script” during more semesters, because we only have this subject for two semesters (one in the second year and the other in the third year). I also think that there’s a problem with the number of credits destinated to each subject, because they are not accurate, for example, in the year where I am, the second yea...

Post 6: Time Travel to the Future.

  I can't imagine the future, so I don't know where I would like to go. I would rather travel to the past because I have always been interested in the culture from the sixties, seventies and the eighties. Starting with that, if the time machine where I am supposed to travel only has the ability to travel to the future, I think I would like to travel to 2070, to see what aspects from our past, especially the decades that I am very interested in, are still present at that time, for example: If the people are still listening to the music from those decades. I think that bands such as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, etc, will be still heard on the radio or whatever technological dispositive is utilized to listen to music. I wouldn't like to stay there, as I said before, I prefer the past instead of the future, because I have a little knowledge of how the past was, of course I don´t know everything about it, I wasn´t there to experience it, but I would ...

Post 5: My future Job.

 I really don´t know what kind of job I would like to have. The only thing I know, is that I am studying Cinema, because I made the choice with the purpose of seeing movies from a different perspective. I love movies and TV shows, so I always wanted to know what´s happening behind the camera. But now, I also want to see the world from a different point of view and for that, I would like to travel a lot and discover different cultures. I would prefer to work outdoors, because you can find so many unexpected things out there (I really know that, because I am from Valparaíso, so a lot of unexpected and weird things have happened to me on the streets). These experiences can challenge your own creativity. When I finish this college career, I want to continue studying, get a degree in Esthetics, because I have been interested in the connection between art and philosophy since I was in school, and I want to learn more about it.

Post 4: My favorite TV show.

Mad Men is my favorite TV show, I have watched it several times, because its historical accuracy, makes me feel like I am entering the world of the 1960’s.  Mad Men is about an advertising agency on Madison Avenue during that decade. Oh man, how many things can happen in that advertising agency! (Sterling Cooper at the beginning and SCDP in later seasons).  Don Draper is the main character, a man who isn´t the person he says he is. He stole a dead man´s identity during The Korean War, his real name is Dick Withman. During the whole series, he tries to forget his horrible childhood, by creating the identity of a successful man, based on the name of this dead person. Peggy Olson, according to some people, is the real main character. She is the representation of the rising women during the sixties. She started as a secretary, but her talent made her end up as a copy chief. My favorite episode is The Suitcase (S04E07), which is one of the most acclaimed episodes, it´s even El...

Post 3: A person I would like to meet.

I am a metalhead, but I also love 80´s pop music, because my parents made me listen to that kind of music since I was very little. Duran Duran is one of the bands that I like the most, my mom also loves Duran Duran, even though she is more into rock music. She told me that one of the first cassettes she had was  Duran Duran´s “Rio” album.  Well, who doesn´t love Duran Duran? They are an iconic band, not just because their songs are “catchy”, above all, it´s because, they are excellent musicians.    There´s a special member of the band that I would love to meet, John Taylor, because he is an amazing bass player, who seems to be a very nice guy. I have seen the videos that he posts on Duran Duran´s youtube account, where he explains what inspired the band (and especially himself) to compose some of Duran Duran’s songs.   John Taylor has accomplished the dominance of different bass techniques. He took inspiration from rhythms of different music genres, such as funk...

Post 2: My Life Soundtrack

              My whole life has been surrounded by 70's and 80’s music, because I share the same taste of music that my mom has, we both love rock music. She was the one who showed me the most important band of my life: “Queen”. And since that day my life changed completely.    But Queen wasn't the first music from those decades that I ever heard.  So let's start with the beginning of everything. As I said before, my mother is a rock fan, her favorite band is Rush, instead, my father loves electronic music, but they are both fans of The Cure and Depeche Mode. When I was about three or four years old, that was all I used to listen to, because my dad played their music every time I was in his car.   Years later, when I was nine, my mom brought to our house a CD of Queen's greatest hits. Since that day I stopped listening to anything somebody else put on the radio or whatever was popular at that time. Since that day, I was the person w...